I still have the headache today, so its time to seek medical help. The trouble with the internet is that you can find out anything and everything and usually more than you really need. When I looked on the NHS Direct website, I felt I was suffering with everything I searched, from a common cold to pneunomia and even meningitis.
I made an appointment at the doctors. She told me I have a tension headache and that I am most likely heading for a viral infection as well. The headache is not going away because I am tensing-up and that is keeping the pain going. The pain is causing me to tense-up, so it is a viscious circle.
I told the doctor I am travelling to Sicily this weekend for my birthday - guess what? She recommends we don't go as I need to rest :-(
Anyway, she has given me some strong Ibuprofen to relieve the headache, which should mean I relax and then the tension goes away.
What a birthday! I'm sick!
What a bloody nightmare :(
Cuddles, sorry for my strop, Diva and Drama Queen moments.... but i love you so much and I want the best for your birthday...I just hated the situation we were in!
BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and hope you will have a great birthday in Sicily xxx
Get well soon Avang :)
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